Sugar and Spice

What do you do if you’ve been a workaholic most of your life and then suddenly… its all gone!
Great position to be in, right? Yes…. But now what?
Spice, a successful entrepreneur from London, finds herself exactly here. How bare and lonely her life now seems.
What on earth is she going to do now?
The sensible thing: Brace and step into a new direction… but perhaps after a well-deserved break to recover and reassess. And where better to relax and regroup than on a sleepy Greek island with her best friend, Jacko?
Wrong! There is nothing sleepy about this island, and my goodness, does she need to brace for what comes next.
Warning: Spice gets herself into some deliciously deep water!
Disclaimer: No photographers or ex-pats were harmed in the writing of this book.
Praise for this book:
“An exhilarating ‘friends to lovers’ trope at its very best.”
Best Lesbian Fiction Romance
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About the Lesvos Island Collection
Each book in this collection is a self-contained standalone novel set around the same time frame on the Greek island of Lesvos and thus they can be read and enjoyed in any order.
Books in the Collection:
• The Sappho Romance (Alternative History spinoff)
• Amenah Awakens (Free to VIP Reader Club)
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See back of book for details.